Joining disparate data from silos? Cajoled into AI projects as 72% of your competitors state this is a critical strategic initiative? Analysing unstructured data to find new insights?

Unless you know why you need to make decisions it is unlikely you will make the right ones just because you can access more data. Data is a strategic asset and must be managed to achieve the vision, goals and strategic objectives of the organisation.

"John Wanamaker said: “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” In today’s economy, the quote may well become: “Half the money I spend on data is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.”  David Blankley CMS Wire Dec 3rd 2018

Blankley went on to say  "Too often companies complete a large data collection project, then when nothing happens wonder what all the fuss was about. 

Here are three concrete actions your business can take to avoid this fate."

  1. Wait
  2. Re-imagine how to share data
  3. Explore

Wait until you access and analyse the right data for the outcomes that are a strategic imperative

Re-imagine how to exploit and action the insights form the right data

Explore new insights that will help delight customers, collapse costs and disrupt competitors

Blankley further states the obvious but a fact probably forgotten by many. Data at rest stays at rest- " Collecting data provides a foundation for more informed decisions. However, it is just the foundation. Once collected, the data still needs to be converted to information that can be understood and acted upon."