Only with effective pseudonymisation

so find out how to separate the information value of data from the means to link to individual identities. Follow the link to Trust Arc at bottom of this blog.

Can your enterprise analytics deal with subject access requests (SARs) from individuals? 

  • Access, search all unstructured data in your organisation AND across the supply chain? 
  • Meet GDPR requirements for encryption of documents, data at rest and in transit?
  • Identify all documents where there is reference to the individual making the SAR?
  • Supporting document retention policies, manual or time based deletions
  • As well as redacting information from within documents?

Seek powerful search retrieval software to not only meet GDPR compliance and protect your reputation but also add a key competitive advantage-

Add analyticscomplete, rather than just big, insight of the business, its supply chain, its customers and the wider world.

accessing and joining unstructured with structured data for a

Treat GDPR not as a threat or risk- rather as an opportunity to gain better insights and increase trust in your organisation and raise net promoter score- NPS.

Higher the NPS, higher the customer retention and long term growth.