NYC Mayor's Office able to make better decisions as result of joining & analysing location and city data from over 70 stakeholder agencies.

Each agency had tools to access and analyse data but a City is more than the sum of its population and municipal agencies. The City needs to access, join and visualise all this disparate data which is underpinned by LOCATION. 

Leaders and managers that now see what's happening, get alerts when change needs action and predict the future to mitigate threats and improve life in NYC.

That is what CARTO and its partner Vizzuality delivered to the City. 

Location Intelligence is far more than just mapping and GIS. With the

  • Increasing deployment of IoT
  • Streaming data
  • Change to doing business & living life  on the move through our smartphone

Location is the significant data point that needs exploiting- combined with enterprise, organisational and external data. Thereby lies competitive advantage through better decisions. More on  this via this link GIS evolving to Location Intelligence.

In there you'll see interesting location intelligence insights of London  also powered by the CARTO platform