How to realise the dream of self-service analytics when only 10% of users are data literate? This is the dilemma facing too many organisations. Without solving this issue BI & Analytics projects are bound to disappoint.

Data Curation is suggested as one answer.

"It’s an approach which has already been adopted by leaders in the field. Walmart – one of the pioneers of data-driven analytics in retailing, recently unveiled its Data Café project, where anyone within the business with a data problem can come to gain insights from its 40 petabytes of data, with analysts on hand to help make sense of it all."

Source : "Can Curated Data Fix The $18.3 Billion Analytics Market?" Bernard Marr Forbes 23 March 2017 

It is an approach also taken by online platforms like 360Globalnet focused on the insurance market. Curating internal structured & unstructured data together with external data for a 360 degree view of the business, the market and competitors.

Logi Analytics has long provided embedded analytics capabilities from multiple & disparate data sources. Able to ingest and analyse a wide range of data including video, photo which is essential for the insurance markets.

It long saw the issue of data and with DataHub solves many of the issues to facilitate self-service analytics across all personas and users in an organisation. 

If you cannot prove the return in investment from your BI & Analytics tools maybe you should look at curated data to.